What to Post

This area is for you, Matts friends, to share with everyone your memories, experiences, photos, conversations, nights out (if you can remember them) and anything else. Like Matt this site is for celebrating life.

1 thoughts on “What to Post”

  1. Carine Ona-Ovono says:

    Dear Matt our paths crossed many times,

    If there were places I expected to bump into you it would have been Cranebank or Dubai but no. The last time I bumped into you was on January 16th, in the cheese aisle of the Sainsbury in Slough! Tracy took a picture of us: you with this new greyish beard (I’d not yet seen) and this gorgeous smile of yours.

    I shall always remember you playing Alizée’s song over and over again … as you were a 1st time fan!

    Fluent in French and knowledgeable with the Arabic language you never failed to impress us with your language skills: greeting French passengers farewell with an angel grin on your face “Merci Beau Cul” (Thank you pretty ass) which sounded very much like “Merci Beaucoup” (Thank you very much). When passengers turned around wondering did I hear what think I heard you’d repeat it with a light English accent and you’d get away with it!

    I’ll also remember your tonitruant heart felt “F****** H*** ” when with Lydia and the rest of the Luton crew we tricked you into believing that Scheduling was calling you from your standby. You see, we (Matt, Lydia and myself Carine) shared a 100m² flat in Nice for a year. This flat often became a gathering point for the Luton crew night stopping there. Matt excused himself to get some sleep at 4am for he was on standby from 5am. At 5am on the dot, one of us rang Matt pretending to be a scheduler. Matt did not recognise the voice. We told him he was paxing from Nice to Luton, operating a two hour sector to Malaga back to Luton, off to Edimburgh and back to Luton. He would pax back to Nice on an easyjet flight to be home by midnight. In the living room, we heard the loudest F*****G H**L ever from Matt’s bedroom! He rushed out of his room and said “You won’t believe it! I’ve been called out” (which by the way would hardly ever never happen from Nice!). We desperately tried not to laugh. I offered to drive Matt to the airport so he would make it on time just as a little touch to show our compassion for him. He hurried to his bedroom for a shower. By this time, we thought it would be mean to let the joke go on until he was showered and in uniform. We called Matt and gave him hints that one of us simulated the call; Matt was not getting it until we just said “Matt it’s a joke! Meet your scheduler!” He certainly didn’t laugh in the first thirty seconds. But it didn’t take long for Matt to appreciate the prank. He promised to get each and everyone of us in future when we least expected it!

    Mr and Mrs Bass, Charles, nephews and family, my mom who met Matt in Nice and remembers him as a gorgeous, talented and kind young man joins me to pass on our deepest sympathy in this tragic time. He shall not be forgotten. May the sweet memories of him lessen your pain.

    Au revoir Matt! In Shallah !


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